Executive Committee


It is the task of the Executive Committee to manage and represent the International Conference. Therefore the Committee shall ensure that the decisions taken during the Closed Session are implemented and that resolutions are implemented. Furthermore, the Committee shall assist the Hosting Authority in organising the Annual Meeting (i.e. the Closed Session). During its meetings – both in person and via telephone conference – the Committee discusses the ongoing preparations for the next International Conference, including the identification of a suitable topic to be discussed in the Closed Session and relevant speakers for both the Closed and Open Session. Furthermore, attention is paid to the accreditation of new members and the representation of the Conference to international organisations and other fora.

The Committee comprises five members: the current and previous Hosting Authorities, as well as three members elected for the duration of two years. In principle, the elected members shall have offsetting terms, to ensure continuity within the Executive Committee. For the members of the Executive Committee are: